(January 2021 - May 2021)
AI Programmer, Sound Programmer

General Info
The Exaggerated Epoch of Edward O'Hare is an action-adventure story game set in an imaginary toy world! Players will traverse the toy-filled landscape and story while combating enemies along the way. TEEEO takes players on an odyssey that will usher nostalgia and excitement for all!
My Contributions
Completely revamped the state machine
streamlined the state creation process
state machine now supports attack states on a single enemy
Programmed a multi-phase boss
Six attack patterns, separated into short-range and long-range
Attack selection weight changes depending on boss's phase
Audio cue upon entering third phase
Implemented knockback when attacking enemies
Set up and balanced 50+ sounds and 6 songs
Communicated frequently with the sound designer about edits to sound effects
Iterated on Mana Punch's audio controller, improving performance and adding the following features:
Fade an Audio Source towards a specified volume over a specified period of time
Queue a sound to play immediately once another sound finishes
Better control over looped tracks